State Graphs in Software Testing Methodologies

Input and Transitions
State Tables
Time vs Sequence

Input and Transitions
Anything that is modeled is subjected to inputs
States will change based on these inputs, i.e., the inputs are said to have made a transition
Links that join states represent transitions
On the link, the input that causes the transition is marked (as link weights)
In every state, there should be one outlink for every input\
In a state, if multiple inputs cause a transition to the same subsequent state, then, instead of drawing a group of parallel links, the notation can ve abbreviated by listing the multiple inputs as in: "input 1, input 2, input 3......"

State Tables
The msot convenient way is to represent the state graph as table by naming it as "state table" or "state transition table" as the big state graphs are often clustered and difficult to follow
The state table gives details of the states, inputs, transitions and the outputs
An example state table is shown in the image
Each row in the table represents the transitions from the origination state
One column is used for each input symbol (error/normal input)
Each entry represents the new state as well as the output for the transition

Time vs Sequence
State graphs represent the sequence not time
A transition may take a microsecond or centuries. A system can be in one state for any amout of time
The time taken by the transitions does not affect the state graph as it remians same irrespective of the time

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About Data Sciences by Venu

Hi, My name is Venugopala Chary and I'm Currently working as Associate Professor in Reputed Engineerng College, Hyderabad. I have B.Tech and in regular from JNTU Hyderabad. I have 11 Years of Teaching Experience for both B.Tech and M.Tech Courses.
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