Flexible Severity Rather Than Absolutes
The combination of factors, of which number of bugs and their severity is treated as one component is used to measure the quality of a productMany organisations have designed and used satisfactory, quantitative, quality metrics
Because bugs and their symptoms play a significant role in such metrics, as testing progresses, the quality rises to a reasonable value which is deemed to be safe to ship the product
The factors involved in bug severity are:
Correction Cost: The catastrophic bugs are corrected easily and small bugs may take major time to debug. So it is not as much important
Context and Application Dependency: Severity depends on the context and the application in which it is used
Creating Culture Dependency:
What's important depends on the creators of software and their cultural aspirations
Test tool vendors are more sensitive about bugs in their software than games
User Culture Dependency: Severity also depends on user culture. Simple users of PC software go crazy over bugs, where as pros (experts) may just ignore
Software Development Phase:
Severity depends on development phase
Any bug gets more severe as it gets closer to field use and more severe, the longer it has been around
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