Regular Grammar
- For notational convenience, we may wish to give names to certain regular expressions and use those names in subsequent expressions, as if the names but themselves symbols.
- Regular grammars are used for defining tokens
- The general form of regular grammar is
d1 → R1
d2 →R2
d3 → R3
dn → Rn
Where dn is a new symbol, not in Σ and not the same any other of d's and Rn is a regular expression over the alphabet Σ U{d1,d2,d3......dn-1}
Regular grammar for identifier
id→ letter(letter/digit)*
digit → 0/1/2/... /9
Regular Grammar for keywords
if → if
else → else
then → then
Regular grammar for operators
rel_op --> < = /</>=/>==/<>
Regular grammar for number
number → digits fractional_part exponential_part
digits → digit digit*
digit → 0/1/2/..../9
fractional_part → .digit/ε
exponential_part → (E(+/-/ ε)digits)/ε
Extensions of Regular Expressions
- Many extensions have been added to regular expressions to enhance their ability to specify string patterns
One or more instances(+)
Zero or one instance (?)
Character classes([])
id →letter(letter/digit)*
letter →[A-Z a-z]
digit → [0-9]
number → digits(.digits)?(E[+-]? digits)?
digits → digits*
digit → [0-9]
ws → (blank/tab/newline)*
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