Symbol Table Organizing Using Hashing
- Hashing is an important technique used to search the records of symbol table. This method is superior to list organization
- In hashing scheme, two tables are maintained – hash table and symbol table
- The hash table consists of K entries from 0, 1, 2, … to K-1. These entries are basically pointers to symbol table pointing to the names of symbol table.
- To determine whether the ‘Name’ is in symbol table, we use a hash function ‘h’ such that h (name) will result any integer between 0 to K-1. We can search any name by
- Position = h (name)
- Using the position we can obtain the exact locations of name in symbol table.
- The hash table and symbol table are shown below
- The hash function should not result in uniform distribution of names in symbol able
- The hash function should be such that there are minimum number of collisions
- Collision is a situation where hash function results in same location for storing the names
- Various collision resolution techniques are,
Open addressing
- Quick search is possible
- Limitations
- Implementing hashing is complicated
- Extra space is required
- Obtaining scope of variable is very difficult.
Tree Structure Representation of Scope Information:
- When the scope information is presented in hierarchical manner then it forms a tree structure representation which is an efficient approach for symbol table organization
- We add two links left and right in each record in the search trees
- Whenever a name is to be added first, the name is searched in the tree
- If it does not exist then a record for new name is created and added at the proper position
- It is alphabetical accessibility
- The typical data structure is shown on the screen
Left Child
Name of Symbol
Right Child
- Construction of Binary Tree for Expressions:
- The nodes of binary tree for expressions can be constructed by using the following functions. Each function returns a pointer to a newly created node
- mlnode(L, op, R) creates an operator node with label op and two fields contain pointers to Left and Right with labels L and R
- mkleaf(id, entry) creates a leaf node with label id and field contains a pointer to the symbol table entry for ‘id’
- mkleaf(num, value) creates a leaf node with label num and field contains a value of that node
Example: Construction of a binary tree for the expression a + b * 10. Consider the grammar
- Steps in the construction of the syntax tree for a + b * 10
- Create a leaf node with label b that is p1 = mkleaf(id, b)
- Create a leaf node with label 10 that is p2 = mkleaf(num, 10);
- Create parent node label * and two children nodes as p1, p2 that is p3 = mknode(‘*’, p1, p2);
- Create a leaf node with label a that is p4 = mkleaf(id, a);
- Create a parents node with label + and two children nodes as p4, p3 that is p5 = mkknode(‘+’, p4, p3);
- Where p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 are the pointer to the newly created nodes.
- Syntax tree is
int index, total, velocity, current, answers;
The tree structure representation of above identifiers is:
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